November 2024
This year, 2024, summer was a very active time with many visits from new people seeking to learn and practice Agnihotra and to participate in life in a Homa ecovillage. We were joyous to receive visits from our worldwide Homa family.
March 2024
The winds of change shift again and we are nearing the beginning of Spring, Gardens to begin, flowers waiting to bloom, children peering outside their windows excited to run and play in the sunshine! We have an active season ahead.
February 2024
In the midst of wintry winds and snow, we are busy here working on exciting new projects and plans. Here is our latest news. As always, we welcome you to visit us, call us, participate in online workshops and get involved!

Summer 2023
We are living in intense times, times that require us to focus on coming together in Unity and Harmony. We are called to attune our human nature with Mother Nature. One of the greatest gifts we can offer Nature is Agnihotra. Agnihotra nurtures soil to seed, trees, water resources, animals, and human beings.
Spring 2023
The last few months have been quiet for Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya with many of us working on indoor projects and practising the art of staying warm in these winter months! …. Now we wholeheartedly welcome the changing of the seasons.
Winter 2022
In October this year, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of our Homa Therapy Foundation. As we look back at our time here, we are grateful for all the service we have had the opportunity to give, and for all the wonderful connections we have made along the way.