I. General provisions

These regulations specify the rules for collecting donations for the activities of the Terapia Homa Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the “Foundation”).
The Foundation collects donations in order to achieve its statutory goals, which are:
comprehensive educational and scientific activities promoting ecological land cultivation, environmental protection, alternative medicine, psychology and alternative pedagogy science, education, education and upbringing,
health protection and promotion, in particular alternative medicine, psychology and alternative pedagogy,
activities supporting the development of communities and local communities,
ecology, environmental and animal protection,
activities supporting economic development, including the development of social entrepreneurship.

II. Donors

The donor may be any natural person, legal person or organizational unit that is not a legal person and which is granted legal capacity by a separate act.
A donor may make a donation in the form of:

III. Ways to donate

Donations can be made in the following ways:
by transfer to the Foundation’s bank account,
by cash payment at the Foundation’s headquarters,
through public collection,
in another manner agreed with the Foundation.

IV. Formal requirements

Making a donation in the form of money requires providing the following data:
name and surname or name of the donor,
donor’s address,
donation amount,
the purpose for which the donation is made.

Making a donation in kind requires providing the following data:
name and surname or name of the donor,
donor’s address,
description of the donation,
the purpose for which the donation is made.

Making a donation in kind requires providing the following data:
name and surname or name of the donor,
donor’s address,
description of the donation,
value of the donation,
the purpose for which the donation is made.

V. Settlement of donations

The Foundation issues a donation receipt to the donor.
The Foundation keeps records of donations, which records:
date of receipt of the donation,
donation amount,
the purpose for which the donation was made,
donor details.
The Foundation is obliged to settle donations in a manner consistent with applicable law.

VI. Purpose of donations

Donations made to the Foundation are intended for the implementation of the Foundation’s statutory objectives.
The Foundation may allocate donations to cover costs related to the implementation of its statutory objectives, including:
completion of the construction of the Light Center of an educational and ecological center,
other costs related to the implementation of statutory objectives.

VII. Personal data protection

The Foundation processes donors’ personal data in order to achieve the Foundation’s statutory objectives.
The Foundation ensures the protection of donors’ personal data in accordance with applicable law.

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