How Agnihotra Changed My Life

Sunday, February 16th

4pm CET on ZOOM

Join us for a heartfelt journey as we share our personal stories about a simple daily Vedic fire that ignites a deep desire for truth and self-discovery.

Agnihotra  awakens the questions:

Who am I? Where do I belong? What is my purpose?

This is a story of transformation — a fire that sparks change, helps us understand ourselves, and reveals where a deeper happiness comes from.

During our time together, you’ll discover:

 🔥 How Agnihotra works
 🔥 How Agnihotra helps reduce stress and tension
 🔥 What can be healed through Agnihotra
 🔥 How to practice Agnihotra correctly
 🔥 How Agnihotra supports life in the Bhrugu Aranya Ecovillage
 🔥 How to live in harmony with Mother Nature

At sunset (4:56 pm), we will perform Agnihotra and join together in a peaceful meditation. After that, we will answer questions and share insights from our personal  journeys.

🌿 The gathering will take place on Zoom, and it’s completely free! 🌿
Simply sign up to receive access.

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