What is Agnihotra


Agnihotra is a healing fire from the ancient science of Ayurveda. It is a process of purifying the atmosphere through a specially prepared fire which is performed daily at sunrise and sunset.

The beneficial effects of Agnihotra help to reduce stress, improve overall health and give one increased energy. This simple yet powerful tool is used across the planet by people from all walks of life with amazing results that help to transform their lives and heal the planet.


Agnihotra is derived from the Vedas, an ancient body of knowledge recorded in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is a highly evolved and complex language and the mother of all Indo-European languages. The information in the Vedas is said to be revealed knowledge, which was passed down orally for thousands of years before it was recorded into the written version of Sanskrit in a later era, around 1500 B.C.

Thousands of years ago the intricate physics of our universe was described in the Vedas, even down to an exact description of the Atom. Methods for attaining higher states of consciousness, living in harmony with the earth and techniques for purifying the atmosphere were given.

It is from this body of knowledge that the ancient science of fire purification originates. In those ancient times special fire ceremonies were performed by many ancient cultures across the planet, including the Hopi Native Americans, Mayans, Shamans of Siberia. Agnihotra is the resucitated fire science which can be performed by anyone from any walk of life.


The fire is prepared in a small copper pyramid of specific size and shape. Brown rice, dried cowdung cakes and ghee (clarified unsalted butter) are the substances burned. Exactly at the time of sunrise and sunset the mantras are spoken and a small offering of rice and ghee is given to the fire.

During Sunrise/ Sunset the many electricities, ethers and more subtle energies emanating from the sun extend to the earth and produce a flood effect at the coordinates where the sun is said to rise.

Tremendous amounts of energy are gathered around the copper pyramid at the time of Agnihotra. A magnetic field is created, one which harnesses this life-giving power of the sun, creating a healing bioresonance which purifies the atmosphere of pollutants and neutralizes harmful radiation. The resultant atmosphere gives nourishment and sustenance to all life forms. A positive pattern is created by one who does Agnihotra merely by his/her performance.

One of the key elements of Agnihotra is the uttering of Sanskrit mantras when the fire is performed. Sanskrit is a language of pure vibration which has never been the mother tongue of any culture. When the Sunrise/ Sunset mantras are sung, there is a resonance created within the pyramid which is thrust out by the fire into the atmosphere.

Akcesoria do palenia Agnihotry


Now more than ever, humanity is in dire need of a tool which can help to purify the atmosphere, grow pure food uncontaminated by pollutants and return to a state of balance and harmony with our fellow beings and our Mother Earth. Agnihotra is the healing tool to achieve this.


The transformative effects of Agnihotra have been documented in numerous scientific studies, personal experiences and testimonials around the world. It is a healing tool which anyone can utilize regardless of race, creed or religion. Studies have been conducted on the beneficial effects on plant life, human health, atmospheric purification as well as in the realms of psychotherapy. 

List of only some of the effects shown from Agnihotra: 

  • Reduction of stress and tension on the mind
  • Renews brain cells, revitalizes skin and purifies the blood.
  • Produces large amounts of negative ions which nurture the atmosphere.
  • Neutralizes pathogenic bacteria
  • Smoke from Agnihotra has the opposite effect of all other types of smoke. When breathed in, it enters the bloodstream and improves circulation, is a tonic on the nervous system and brings the body into a state of harmony.
  • If plants are kept in Homa atmosphere where vibrations of Agnihotra pyramid fire are maintained, one subtle enough can actually see growth, communication etc. Plants receive nutrition from Agnihotra atmosphere, become happy and grow well.
  • Just as Agnihotra pyramid fire gives nourishment to plants, it provides the same for human life and animals.
  • When Agnihotra is performed, the Agnihotra smoke gathers particles of harmful radiation from the atmosphere and on a very subtle level neutralizes their radioactive effect. Nothing is destroyed, merely changed.
  • An aura energy field is created around plants during Agnihotra. Thus plants become stronger and disease resistant.
  • When the flame dies, the energy is locked in the resultant ash. This ash is used for preparing various folk medicines.

To najważniejsze przykłady działania Agnihotry, trzeba jednak zaznaczyć, że jest ich o wiele więcej.


Read Scientific Studies on Agnihotra  here.

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